
Midnight Travelers/TT Errand #9 Bucking La Cart

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    Ven gave a hefty yawn as he accompanied Brutus through the streets once more. It was morning once again and he ceremoniously forced to tag along once again for nonsense reason Brutus came up with. It was a benefit to be outside this morning. Rowen and Annie seemed to make themselves properly at home with an instant to his amazement. Instead of his typical nightly stroll, he was forced to make another room for them. He grumbled, rubbing his sore claws from all the carving he had to do. Should have never offered them a place to stay… But the Nidoran’s teary gaze came to mind at the thought. He clutched his chest as his heart gave a small cringe, placing his right claw on it, eyes filled with scorn. “Dammit…,” he murmured.

    Brutus gave him a questioning gaze which Ven merely shook his head with his right claw, swiftly placing his claw down. Lately his partner had been doing things he found horribly out of character. The recent event was a major one. Is he truly changing like I hope? A glimmer of hope appeared in his eyes at the thought. Perhaps he wouldn’t be doing this reeducation for much longer. A tinge of disappointment clouded his thoughts. He would no longer be able to watch over Ven’s continuation. He shuddered.  He was beginning to care…

    A sudden crash summoned their attention. The duo watched as a cart raced passed with a gust of wind tussling Ven’s cloak with the breeze. At first they stared with a blank expression; as if this was a common event but soon their eyes widened with shock as they noticed Annie clutching on the reins of the panicked Rapidash that dragged the cart as she bucked back on forth on the bronco.

    “GET ME OFF THIS CRAZY RIDE!” She cried on the verge of tears. She was only trying to relax in the hay not scare the innocent bronco!

     Rowen finally caught up, appearing worse for wear as he rushed front of the bronco, trying to pacify the beast. “Calm down please! No one is going to hurt you!” He exclaimed in a soothing tone. The Rapidash didn’t respond, eyes crazed, beyond the point of reason as he brought down his hooves on the Cubone forcing him to dodge with a quick backstep. He barely avoided coming out unscathed, glancing worryingly at his sibling. He tightened his grasp on his trusty bone. I didn’t want to do this but I have to…

    A shadow leapt over him causing him to look up as he watched Ven flew overhead on the back of the Rapidash. If anything, it caused the bronco to rage even more, the frantic stomping becoming more intense and rapid. Ven tossed Anna off as Rowen dropped his bone to capture her in his grasp. She snuggled closer, her form trembling from the experience. He gave soothing reassuring pats on her head as murmured nonsense in a soothing tone. It seemed to calm her slowly after some time but his eyes were trained on the scene before him.

    “Sheesh calm down! The kid is off your back! What more could you want?!” Ven shouted as he clutched on the reins to prevent being propelled off. He wasn’t so comfortable on the back of the bronco; the temperature was rising higher and higher by the second. This is why I don’t like fire types so much… With swiftness, he unhooked the Rapidash from the cart allowing it the freedom as he leapt off, unable to stand the heat any longer. He rubbed his butt, tentatively as he watched the Rapidash continue to buck. This will never end…

    Suddenly the Rapidash paused, eyes slowly gaining clarity as he shook his head rapidly. He looked at Anna with an apology in his eyes before galloping off.

    Ven massaged the back of his neck with disappointment. He thought the bronco wanted to do round two but perhaps another time. He watched as Brutus inspected the cart for a reason he didn’t understand. “Oi! What’s so important about the cart?” He didn’t want mention that they should be caring about frightened kids. He couldn’t ruin his tough exterior he worked on so much.

    “Solstice inquired about a cart and a cart was simply brought to us. I believe your horrible luck is turning around Ven.”

    Ven gave a scowl. “Yeah sure. Whatever…”

    “Wait a second!” The two turned towards Rowen who bored an outraged expression. “I should get credit too! My sister went through hell from this crazy experience!”

    Ven opened his mouth to say something but Brutus held up a hoof to halt him. “You will get credit as well. Take the cart to Solstice. Explain that we also help with procuring the cart. I am sure this cart does not need any repairs despite what happened.”

    Rowen gave an eager nod as he rushed over to place Anna in the cart. He gave her another pat before taking lead. “I’ll see you guys later then!” He huffed as he began to drag the cart away.

    Ven observed with a blank expression as he strolled over to Brutus. “You think he can handle it?”

    “It is simple at this point. You handled the work smoothly.”

    Ven raised an eyebrow, rubbing his neck again. That was rare… To hear a compliment for once. He felt pride for doing such a good job. “So why aren’t we following?”

    Brutus rummaged through his afro pulling out a letter. “Someone requested our assistance today.”

    Ven rolled his eyes. “We better no-”

    “We are doing this for free. The amount of action predicted in the outcome should satisfy any need of payment. We are doing this for ‘fun’.”

    Ven waggled his claws in an exaggerated way, “Yay… Fun.”
Client: Solstice
Errand: #9
Date Issued: August 15, 2014
Date Due: August 20, 2014

Ah what a cheesy... name. But yeah La Errand #9 was fun for me though it was short. Ah well. 
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